Foot-slaves NEED feet. It is what keeps them alive, functioning properly, obedient, subservient, and docile toward their Female Owners and Masters. Goddess knows this. So She sends Her Blonde Bimbo slave girl out to where the slaves are kept caged and shackled (until they are needed to be used) to take care of the slaves’ NEED for FEET. The Blonde Bimbo is a surrogate to the slaves for Goddess’s feet, and they know this and have accepted it. They actually eagerly look forward to her feedings..and the Bimbo enjoys seeing them humbly BEG for HER feet… She drags them out of their cages (She ranks far above these males, as a FEMALE slave…) and proceeds to literally shove her perfect feet down their throats until their hunger for FEMALE FEET has been satiated…and then they are unceremoniously thrown back into their cages…(until they are needed or it is time for their next “foot-feeding”!)
107 mb
7 min